Dealer Holdings!

There are 1,200 dealers in the automotive sector, 30,000 in furniture, 16,000 in insurance, 10,000 in technology retailing and thousands more in other sectors which are directly creating employment...

1.10.2009 03:00:000
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There are 1,200 dealers in the automotive sector, 30,000 in furniture, 16,000 in insurance, 10,000 in technology retailing and thousands more in other sectors which are directly creating employment for millions of people. There are those which have incorporated and achieved giant turnovers. Şengüller, Has and Şahsuvaroğlu are amongst the giant companies in the Capital 500. New giants are expected to emerge from among the largest dealers which have not yet entered the Capital 500


“Just like in every sector, falling profit margins are pushing companies in the automotive sector to be more focused. This situation will enable some players to break through. In the future, backed by the manufacturers, we shall see more dealers, mega dealers and dealer groups than we do today. Within five years there will be at least 10 dealer groups and mega dealers amongst the upper ranks for the Capital 500 companies.”

hedThese words belong to Tarık Taşar, the head of the Automotive Authorized Dealers’ Association (OYDER), which represents the 300 largest automotive dealers in Turkey. Taşar says that the future lies with automotive dealers such as Has Otomotiv and Şahsuvaroğlu which have gone from being stores to SMEs and then today giant companies.

It is not just in automotives, giant dealers with a company’s turnover have now appeared in the GSM, consumer durables, tourism, furniture, insurance, technology and foodstuffs retailing sectors. Capital studied the largest dealers in 15 different sectors, ranging from automotives to furniture, tourism and insurance. The study produced profiles of 18 giant distributors.

The Latest Situation In Dealer Networks
The sector in which the dealer networks are the largest are automotives, GSM, insurance, furniture, tourism, bottled LPG and bottled drinking water. There are approximately 1,200 dealers in the automotive sector in Turkey. Tarık Taşar says that each dealer sold an average of 500 vehicles in 2008, and that an automotive dealer has an average annual turnover of TL 13 million.

In the GSM sector, Turkcell, Vodafone and Avea have a total of 1,200 main dealers. The number reaches 8,200 when the sub-dealers are included. The main dealers have an average annual turnover of TL 2.6 million, the sub-dealers around TL 900,000. One of the sectors with the largest dealer network is furniture, where the 30,000 dealers have an average annual turnover of TL 1 million. There are approximately 15,000 bottled drinking water dealers in Turkey. These 15,000 dealers have an average turnover of TL 300,000. The average turnover in the bottled LPG sector, which has 10,750 dealers, is TL 300,000. Shoe dealers have an average turnover of TL 400,000, while in fuels, where there are more than 12,000 dealers, it is TL 3 million.

They Have Huge Turnovers
The largest dealer covered by the Capital survey was Şengüller, which has 32 outlets and a turnover of TL 361.2 million… Şengüller has been a Turkcell dealer since it was founded in 1994 and it has now grown to the point where it is competing with holding companies.

Fevzi Şengül, the board chairman of the company, says that they have grown by 60 percent in the last five years and they have had the highest turnover of any Turkcell dealer for 15 years.

With its turnover of TL 289.2 million, Has Otomotiv ranks 283rd in the Capital 500 list. The foundations of the company, which is a partnership between the Karaali Family and Mustafa Orhan Dincer, were laid by Kadir Has and it has become the largest dealer for Mercedes Benz Türk. Another giant is Şahsuvaroğlu, which for the last five years has been the leading Ford dealer in terms of retail sales. In 2008, the company had a turnover of approximately TL 125 million.

The Biggest In Telecoms
Telecommunications heads the list of the sectors which is growing fast and continually increasing its dealer network. Turk Telekom, which is the largest telecoms company in Turkey, is the leader in this field with a distribution network of 1,407 outlets. In 2008, the company’s dealer with the highest turnover was the one in Üsküdar, Istanbul, which is owned by Zafer Zeylan. The Turk Telekom dealer was established in the last quarter of 2001 by members of the family and, after starting off with two employees, Zeylan now employs 20 personnel. In the last five years it has grown by 90 percent and in 2008 had a turnover of TL 505,977.

Doğan Telekom’s largest dealer is Gürcüoğlu… A total of 23 employees work in the dealer’s three outlets. The company works with sub-dealers in Turkey as a whole, and in the last five years it has grown eightfold in size. At the end of 2008, it had a turnover of TL 2 million.

Özlem Aydın Ayvacı

Türkiye ve dünya ekonomisine yön veren gelişmeleri yorulmadan takip edebilmek için her yeni güne haber bültenimiz “Sabah Kahvesi” ile başlamak ister misiniz?


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