We are pursuing new leagues with a cavalier vision

ADNAN BALİ, who has been appointed the new general manager of İş Bankası, is an executive who has been reared within the bank.

1.06.2011 00:00:000
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We are pursuing new leagues with a cavalier vision

He has served in many different departments during his 25-year career at İş Bankası years. He says that there will be no change in the bank's concept of management or in its strategy and he adds: "In the future we shall move act with a cavalier vision and look to different leagues by launching drives that strengthen our presence both at home and abroad, including organic growth and acquisitions" Adnan Bali took a break from his intensive work schedule to give his first interview to Capital. He shared his ideas on many different issues, ranging from his concept of leadership to his dream İş Bankası.

How are your first months going?
- I have been working here for 25 years. Coming to what we have done during this first period, we have implemented what we regarded as appropriate changes in the management echelons. In addition, we have appointed a team to work together in implementing and realizing the measures that we have prepared.

Capital: What is your style of management?
- I believe in the success of team work and a collegiate approach. On the other hand, I never adopt an approached which defines a position in formalistic terms. I prefer a concept which is broader, more open and, most importantly, makes a difference. I do not believe there is good or bad business. There is business which is done well and business which is done differently. If we were to highlight just the volume of work then the most important members of our personnel would be the ATMs. Because they work 24 hours a day, do not complain, don't come to us and ask "what will I be?", and they don't get upset or angry. But neither can they think about simplifying the steps in a procedure. As a result, I think that the difference lies in developing business.

Capital: What other principles do you have?
- In business life and life in general, contrary to what is supposed, it is not the clever but the disciplined who are rewarded. On the other hand, I am not someone who advocates a style of personnel management which looks for perfection. In business life, we should be looking for what meets pragmatic needs and solutions that can be implemented. I believe very much in a methodological, measureable way of working.~

Capital: You made a statement in which you referred to "instead of a limited rodeo vision, we shall manage with a cavalier vision which seeks broad horizons". What does this mean exactly?
- Being able to take strategic initiatives in terms of long-term measures that will be created in the medium and long-term according to prevailing circumstances, to always be ready for opportunities, to do what they require and, in this sense, to be a leader and create value for those with whom one does business. After the 2001 crisis, Turkey underwent a period in which there was political and economic stability that was based on various reforms in every area in Turkey. There was a very large increase in direct foreign investment during this period. We reached a position where we were exposed to a new competitive environment with the risks and opportunities that this created. One of our most significant disadvantages was that there was a rating differential which was not in our favour between the countries which are the origin of the direct foreign investment and our country and, as a result, our companies. But the global crisis resulted in the gap contracting quicker than we could have hoped. I think that this was a very important opportunity for the domestically-owned companies. But we should not suppose that the situation will always remain like this. The relative improvement in our situation requires looking at different leagues and offensives that will strengthen our presence both at home and abroad, including organic growth and acquisitions.

Capital: How will you apply this vision in a plan?
- One needs to pay attention to the breadth of penetration possibilities. The contraction in the element which I described as the negative rating differential brings with it a structure which offers us various investor bases at more attractive costs, both at home and abroad. It is also possible for us to be more active in other countries.

Capital: What are your medium and long-term plans?
- We are targeting exceeding TL 100 billion in loans in 2012. In the same way, we foresee that we shall exceed TL 100 billion in deposits. We forecast that the size of our assets will reach TL 170 billion. We are targeting securing a market share of 15 percent or more. We open around 50 new branches a year. If we continue at the same rate, then we shall open 100 new branches in 2011 and 2012.

Türkiye ve dünya ekonomisine yön veren gelişmeleri yorulmadan takip edebilmek için her yeni güne haber bültenimiz “Sabah Kahvesi” ile başlamak ister misiniz?


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