It is the sixth time that the "Companies eyed by CEOs" survey has been held.

1.02.2011 00:00:000
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one needs to be passionate. Because passion is a!ways the most important criteria which gives you an edge over rivals. In companies which are passionate and ambitious in what they do, leaders also feel an increase in their desire to struggle." These are the words of the famous management expert Jim Champsy, the author of the book "Outsmart! How To Do What Your Competitors Can't". In his book, Champsy says that being a leading company also means being a company in which executives would like to work. He notes that companies in which people most want to work are also the ones which will be most successful. Inspired by Champsy's comments, each year Capital asks the most successful executives in the world of business in which company they would most like to work. The survey was held for the sixth time this year. We identified the 20 leading companies. We also asked former CEOS at the companies what were the characteristics that made them attractive.

turkcell, satısfyıng
The top-ranked company was Turkcell, which is the biggest technology company in Turkey with turnover of more than TL 8 billion. Muzaffer Akp
mar served as Turkcell CEO for 4.5 years from 2002 to 2006 and saıd that he thought that the leading executives were right to want to work at the company. "It is one of the strongest and most important brands to emerge in Turkey to date," he said, describing it as pioneering, innovative, being influential over a broad area and having a great capacity to move quickly. "Turkcell opens up a strong, mature and satisfying field of play for the general manager," he said.





the attractıon of coca-cola

Global giants also rank high among the companies on which leaders have their eyes. The biggest proof of this is that Coca-Cola 
ranks second. Experts say that the most valuable brands in the world also have a special place for leaders. They say that the fact that the company has a massive international presence and is always open to marketing innovations makes working in the company exciting for many leaders. Indeed, one expert commented: "For a leader, working at Coca-Cola is both a great challenge and means people talking about their leadership abilities on the global stage." Murat Yeşildere says: "The fact that Muhtar Kent is the company's CEO is exciting. It is an important factor in others feeling close to and warmly about the company."


garanti exalts leaders
Garanti Bankası is the second largest private bank in Turkey with total assets of nearly $78 billion. The bank has 17,000 employees and has come to the fore particularly through its human resources. The bank's former general manager Akin Öngör says that he is not at all surprised that the bank is ranked so highly. Öngör says that one of the elements which makes the bank attractive to leaders is the approach of its bosses. "This situation naturally creates an institutionalized, modern working environment. Garanti puts the general manager in a place which you cannot see in any other company in Turkey. This ensures that investors are always interested in it. Garanti's general manager is a real CEO."


Türkiye ve dünya ekonomisine yön veren gelişmeleri yorulmadan takip edebilmek için her yeni güne haber bültenimiz “Sabah Kahvesi” ile başlamak ister misiniz?


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