Tüm Haberler

Tüm Haberler

Crisis Calendar

Indicators related to the last three crises in Turkey clearly demonstrate how different sectors react during crisis periods. This survey by Capital covers 9 basic sectors and serves as a sectoral r...

1 NİSAN, 2009

Tüm Haberler

“Turkish Executives Don’t Believe In The Impossible”

Michael A. O’Neill is CEO of Coca Cola İçecek (CCİ)... He has worked with executives from different cultures and various countries around the world. For the last three years he has been running CCİ...

1 NİSAN, 2009

Tüm Haberler

Waiting Record In Sales!

Before the crisis, on average, they used to sell a car once every 30 days. As a result of the crisis, this has now lengthened to 80 days. A house used to change hands after 105 days, but since the ...

1 NİSAN, 2009

Tüm Haberler

“İyi Bir Besteci Olmak İstiyorum”

Fazıl Say, henüz 38 yaşında olmasına rağmen 21’inci yüzyılın en büyük sanatçıları arasında gösteriliyor. Günde bazen 12 saat çalışıyor. Haftanın en az 3 günü, dünyanın bir başka ülkesinde konser ve...

1 MART, 2009

Tüm Haberler

The Babies Are Very Fast!

In Turkey, 160 babies are born every hour, 1.4 million in a year. There are four million babies between the ages of 0 and 3. To put it another way, Turkey has a large population of babies. But cons...

1 MART, 2009

Tüm Haberler

A New Wave Is Coming

Sectors are facing a significant downturn. According to the structure of the sector, many mergers and acquisitions are expected to occur in the near future. The consolidation process which is start...

1 MART, 2009

Tüm Haberler

The Cross-Border Store Competition

Mavi Jeans, Damat-Tween, Alfemo, Çilek Mobilya... What all these brands have in common is that they are as active with their stores abroad as they are inside the country. Nor is it only them. In re...

1 MART, 2009

Tüm Haberler

“If There Is Opportunity, Money Doesn’t Really Mean”

Turk Telekom had revenue of over TL 10 billion at the end of 2008. The company is planning to continue to grow in 2009 and to increase its revenue by between 8 and 10 percent. Turk Telekom General ...

1 MART, 2009

Tüm Haberler

Is Anyone Coming?

Wal-Mart, H & M, Boots, Aldi... Turkey has been waiting for these retail giants for years. It looks as though we shall wait a little longer. In fact, these companies had included Turkey among t...

1 MART, 2009

Tüm Haberler

Günde 16 Saat Çalışan Ressam!

Prof. Dr. Devrim Erbil, özgün çizgileriyle Türk modern resminde çığır açan isimlerden biri. 72 yaşındaki ressam, 50’nci sanat yılını kutluyor. 50 yıl boyunca Güzel Sanatlar Akademisi’nde pek çok sa...

1 ŞUBAT, 2009

Tüm Haberler

Reel Sektör Ankara’da Buluştu

Ekonomist Dergisi ve Türkiye Finans’ın işbirliğiyle düzenlenen “Reel Sektör Buluşması”, 23 Aralık’ta Ankara’da gerçekleştirildi. Toplantıda, global ekonomik krizin Türkiye’ye etkileri ve bu etkiler...

1 ŞUBAT, 2009

Tüm Haberler

Türkiye'nin ‘En Başarılı Genç Genel Müdürleri’ Ödüllerini Aldı

İş ve ekonomi dünyasının lider dergisi Capital ve dünyanın en seçkin viski markası Johnnie Walker, 2008 yılının “En Başarılı Genç Genel Müdürlerini” Conrad İstanbul Otel’de düzenlenen bir törenle ö...

8 OCAK, 2009

Tüm Haberler

“Başarı İçin Riskten Kaçmayın”

Hasan Önder, Sanko Holding’in ısıtma-soğutma şirketi Airfel’in genel müdürü. Capital ve Johnnie Walker tarafından organize edilen ve 40 yaş genel müdürleri teşvik etmeyi hedefleyen “Başarıya Yürüye...

1 OCAK, 2009

Tüm Haberler

“A Good Market Waits In 2011 For Those Who Survive”

The decision by the 30-year old textile company Sönmez Filament to stop production had everybody talking. Rumours spread that it had collapsed. In fact, Celal Sönmez was applying the focusing strat...

1 OCAK, 2009

Tüm Haberler

“We Want To Get Into Oil Production”

Koç Holding’s energy drive, which began with Tüpraş, is continuing. It is targeting new areas. Energy Group President Erol Memioğlu says: “We want to get into oil production in order to complete ou...

1 OCAK, 2009