Tüm Haberler

Tüm Haberler

MÜSİAD The Fastest Growing Association

TOBB, TÜSİAD, MÜSİAD, İTO and others… Business associations and organizations in Turkey are steadily increasing in strength. There is no doubt that they have an effect on many political and economi...

1 HAZİRAN, 2006

Tüm Haberler

Is 20 Percent The Ideal Differential?

In a company in which the general manager earns $10,000, what should be the ideal salary for assistant general managers and managers? Until recently the ideal differential between different levels ...

1 HAZİRAN, 2006

Tüm Haberler

How Much Does Status Affect Prices?

Changes in consumer behaviour determine brands’ marketing strategies. There is never any decline in interest in status brands. In categories such as televisions, watches and bags, consumers are pre...

1 HAZİRAN, 2006

Tüm Haberler

İşi Zor Ceo’lar

Pazara giren yeni rakipler, büyük ortaklıklar sonucu ortaya çıkan entegrasyon süreçleri, sektörü saran fiyat rekabeti ve diğerleri… Bazı CEO ve genel müdürlerin işi saydığımız sebeplerden 2006 yılı...

1 MAYIS, 2006

Tüm Haberler

Avea’s new plan

Avea’s new general manager Cüneyt Türktaz has broken his long silence. In the interview which we conducted with him he candidly detailed Avea’s strengths and weaknesses. He explained the company’s ...

1 MAYIS, 2006

Tüm Haberler

The rise of the ‘C’ generation

They live online, they play their games in a digital environment and this is also where they do their shopping. The experts call them the ‘content generation’. When one considers that over 70 perce...

1 MAYIS, 2006

Tüm Haberler

Time to take “opportunity share” rather than market share?

Peter Drucker, Gary Hamel, Jack Trout and others… All of these important management and marketing gurus believe that the era of focusing on market share is over. They think that companies must now ...

1 MAYIS, 2006

Tüm Haberler

CEOs face a difficult task

New rivals entering the market, major partnerships produced by integration, price competitions that sweep through sector and others… Some CEOs and general managers believe that for these reasons 20...

1 MAYIS, 2006

Tüm Haberler

“Acquisitions may continue”

Luc De Noirmont is the person at the helm of CarrefourSa, one of the most important retail giants in Turkey. Servet Topaloğlu, one of the doyens of the sector, is responsible for the new era in Car...

1 MAYIS, 2006

Tüm Haberler

The acquisition champions

There has recently been a wave of major mergers and acquisitions in Turkey. Some of the movement has come from abroad, but some has been hand purely domestic. When one looks at the last three years...

1 MAYIS, 2006

Tüm Haberler

“We shall make Gima a boutique market”

Servet Topaloğlu is one of the leading names in the retail sector… At the end of 2005 he moved to the Carrefour Group and was appointed member of the board of directors responsible for supermarkets...

1 MAYIS, 2006

Tüm Haberler

Record attempt in growth

As it had for the three previous years, the Turkish economy closed 2005 with growth of over 5 percent and equaled the record set in 1950-45 for the longest sustained period of rapid growth. It has ...

1 MAYIS, 2006

Tüm Haberler

Three businesswomen at the top!

Arzuhan Yalçındağ, Ümit Boyner and Ayça Dinçkök… All three serve on the TÜSİAD board and have assumed important responsibilities for many issues, ranging from Turkey’s bid for EU membership to wome...

1 NİSAN, 2006

Tüm Haberler

Who holds the record for customer tracking?

In fact Turkish companies began tracking their customers during the later 1990s. But it took time to develop the necessary technology and accumulate sufficient information. Most have only been trac...

1 NİSAN, 2006

Tüm Haberler

The new governor’s agenda

After Süreyya Serdengeçti completed his five year term and stepped down as governor of the Central Bank on 13 March the process began to select his successor and, at the time that we went to press,...

1 NİSAN, 2006