Ünsa Ambalaj is one of largest producers of ‘big bag’, one of the sub-categories in the packaging sector. It has established five companies in Europe in this sector which can be considered new in T...
One of the most important items in terms of the EU economic criteria is R&D expenditure. In this regard, Turkey’s record is not good at all. Investments in R&D account for 0.7 percent of Gr...
Like many executives, Oyakbank General Manager Hakan Eminsoy is very happy with the figures for 2004. He says: “Our total assets reached TL 6.5 quadrillion and our profits TL 110 trillion. We doubl...
HOPES FOR A FOURTH YEAR The Turkish economy grew by 9.7 percent in the first nine months of 2004. The growth rate, which had been very high during the first half of the year, slowed in the third ...
2004 was a boom year for every sector as sales rose rapidly. But growth varied according to the sector. Naturally, there were changes in the respective market shares of companies. In some sectors t...
Dr. Erdal Karamercan is CEO of the Eczacıbaşı Group… He says that 2004 went very well and that the group had a turnover of $2.3 billion. “This turnover represents a growth of over 30 percent,” he s...
‘Social responsibility’ is a subject which had already been on the agendas of companies for years. But in recent years companies have begun to approach the subject in a more professional manner. To...
The incredible transformation of the business world is producing a radical change in human resources policies. Companies are developing special strategies and introducing innovations in order to re...
Adam Morgan is one of the world’s leading brand experts. His new book ‘The Pirate Inside’ draws attention to a very interesting issue. It explains the ‘pirates’ inside companies. He says that compa...
Growth, competition, profitable customers, restructuring, creativity, innovative organization and others… Towards the New Year, the business world is looking for the answers of critical questions. ...
In order to prepare their book the “Blue Ocean”, Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne conducted research on 30 sectors using data going back more than 100 years. The study covered more than 150 examples ‘B...
The rate of population increase, the rise in the number of female heads of households, the size of households, the ageing population and the proportion of young people… Recent research on populatio...
How do you measure success in the world of business? Is it an increase in turnover, profit, exports and the number of customers? These will always be important criteria. But, as they look to the fu...
ECONOMIC ASPECTS OF THE EU PROJECT Despite the conditions related to the Cyprus issue, Turkey has entered a new era, as the European Union (EU) decided on a date for the launching of accession neg...
Atila Şenol is Board Chairman of Mesa, one of the leaders of the housing sectors. He says that housing started to pick up in 2003 and really began to gather pace in 2004. He believes that this boom...