The decline in steel prices and the negative impact of the crisis on export markets has hit Borusan Holding hard. In 2009, the group contracted by 30 percent and took radical measures. Ahmet Kocabı...
In the aftermath of the global crisis, people were saying: “Nothing in the economy will ever be the same again.” To support this view, there were those who drew attention to the “new normal” condit...
Each year in February, Capital publishes its “CEOs’ Favourite Companies” survey. This year the 180 members of the CEO Club were asked “With the exception of your own company, which company would yo...
In 2002 there were 144 holdings in Anatolia. In 2009, this number rose to 204. The number of holdings grew by more than 40 percent. The new holdings are looking to Gaziantep, Denizli, Kayseri, Kony...
Başarıya Yürüyenler Yarışması’nda sona gelindi. Türkiye’nin en başarılı 40 yaş ve altındaki genel müdürlerinin seçildiği yarışmada, oylama süreci 31 Ocak’ta tamamlanıyor. Şubat ayında jüri üyeleri ...
Capital’in, Türkiye’nin en başarılı 40 yaş ve altındaki genel müdürlerini seçtiği Başarıya Yürüyenler Yarışması’nda son dönemece girildi. İnternet üzerinden yapılan oylama, bu ayın sonunda bitecek....
Türkiye’nin ilk CEO Club’ına ilgi giderek artıyor. Capital ve Ekonomist dergileri öncülüğünde kurulan bu özel kulübün üye sayısı 500’e yaklaştı. Başkanlığını Akın Öngör’ün yaptığı bu özel kulübe,...
Some believe that he is overoptimistic. But he really believes in Turkey’s potential and thinks that it has made very significant progress. He believes that in places such as Iraq, Syria, the Turki...
Andrea Merloni is one of the representatives of the second generation of the Merloni Family. He says that their turnover has contracted by 20 percent as a result of the crisis. He plans to increase...
The Boydak group is receiving offers from European and US companies. The owner’s experience means that the Universal Hospital’s Group is being inundated with offers. Ülker is perhaps one of the com...
“Bütçe disiplinindeki bozulma, geleceğe ilişkin belirsizlikler ve kamu borcunun sürdürülebilirliğine ilişkin tereddütler…” Türkiye’nin en önemli sivil toplum kuruluşunun başkanı Arzuhan Doğan Yalçı...
Capital’in geleneksel yarışmalarından biri olan “Başarıya Yürüyenler” ekim ayında başlıyor. Büyük yarışma ile Capital, Türkiye’nin en başarılı 40 yaş ve altındaki genel müdürlerini seçmeye devam ed...
“The failure to maintain budgetary discipline, uncertainty about the future and concerns about the sustainability of the public sector debt…” This is how Arzuhan Doğan Yalçındağ, the chairwoman of ...
In fact, the figures make its potential clear. In the world as a whole, the organic products market is worth around $46 billion. The sector has attracted attention by posting double digit growth fo...
There are 1,200 dealers in the automotive sector, 30,000 in furniture, 16,000 in insurance, 10,000 in technology retailing and thousands more in other sectors which are directly creating employment...